
World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Threads of Fate Game Mode

Threads of Fate is a new game mode implemented in the recent World of Warcraft expansion Shadowlands. You will be…

November 26, 2020

Warrior Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Warrior has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Warlock Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Warlock has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Shaman Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Shaman has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Rogue Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Rogue has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Priest Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Priest has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Paladin Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Paladin has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Monk Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Monk has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 26, 2020

Mage Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Mage has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 25, 2020

Hunter Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Hunter has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 25, 2020

Druid Torghast Anima Powers Full List

As any other class Druid has a specific number of anima powers that will influence his abilities. You can see…

November 25, 2020

Shadowlands Pre-Expansion Scourge Event

After Sylvanas Windrunner shattered the Helm of Domination, the dead are no longer shackled and now freely rampage across Azeroth,…

November 10, 2020

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