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Overwatch 2: Lifeweaver Guide

So, you want to master Lifeweaver, Overwatch’s newest unconventional support hero. You’re in the right place. His unconventional kit allows you to heal and damage together seamlessly, controlling the flow of battle. If you can master the art of adaptability, you’ll be well on your way to dominating as this unique support.

In this guide, you’ll learn ideal ability combos, positioning tips, synergies with other heroes, and how to maximize Lifeweaver’s potential in any situation. Whether you’re new to Overwatch or a seasoned veteran, Lifeweaver’s complex playstyle presents a fun new challenge. By the end of this, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to weave your team to victory.

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Introduction to Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 introduces Lifeweaver, an unconventional support hero with abilities that can both help and hinder his team. Lifeweaver has a steep learning curve, but mastering his unique playstyle can be very rewarding.

Lifeweaver’s only means of direct healing is Healing Blossom, which restores a relatively small amount of health. His basic attack, Thorn Volley, deals moderate damage at short/mid range. While Lifeweaver lacks raw healing and damage output, he makes up for it with high mobility and disruptive abilities.

  • Petal Platform allows Lifeweaver to quickly reposition himself and allies, gaining the high ground or dodging enemy attacks. He can also use it to displace enemies, interrupting their strategies.
  • Rejuvenating Dash gives Lifeweaver a burst of mobility and self-healing. He uses it to dodge danger, leap between platforms, and stay in the fight.
  • Life Grip is Lifeweaver’s most powerful ability. He can pull allies out of trouble or reposition them for an attack. Effective use of Life Grip requires strong communication and game sense to avoid disrupting your team’s plans.
  • Lifeweaver’s ultimate, Tree of Life, provides burst healing and cover. Tree of Life allows Lifeweaver to turn the tide of battle by strengthening an assault or anchoring a defense.

To master Lifeweaver, focus on mobility, disruption, and using his abilities to enable teammates. While he lacks raw healing, Lifeweaver’s versatile kit gives him the tools to save allies from dangerous situations and manipulate the battlefield to his team’s advantage. With practice, Lifeweaver players can become expert support players capable of controlling the flow of combat.

Lifeweaver’s Abilities and How to Use Them

Lifeweaver has a highly unusual kit for a Support hero in Overwatch 2, with abilities that can aid and hinder his team in equal measure. Mastering Lifeweaver means learning how to use each ability to its full potential without accidentally sabotaging your own teammates.

Lifeweaver’s primary healing ability is Healing Blossom. Hold to charge a flower that will heal the target ally for 10-65 HP, depending on charging time. It has a high range and is easy to aim, but low healing per second in general, compared to other healers.

Lifeweaver’s other abilities focus on mobility and repositioning. Petal Platform allows Lifeweaver to launch himself and nearby allies up into the air, granting the high ground or an escape from danger. Rejuvenating Dash gives Lifeweaver a short speed boost and some self-healing, allowing him to dodge attacks or escape from danger quickly.

Life Grip is Lifeweaver’s most unique ability, allowing him to pull allies to his side from up to 30 meters away. Used well, Life Grip can save overextended Tanks and vulnerable Supports, but when used poorly it can disrupt your teammates’ strategies or ultimates. Communicating with your team is essential to mastering Life Grip.

Finally, Lifeweaver’s ultimate ability Tree of Life spawns a massive tree that instantly heals nearby allies and provides cover. The tree will continue pulsing healing and blocking enemy fire for several seconds, allowing Lifeweaver to strengthen a push or defend a choke point. However, the tree only has 1200 HP and can be destroyed quickly if left undefended.

To get better with Lifeweaver, focus on coordinating with your team to get the most out of his abilities without disrupting them. Practice placing Healing Blossoms and using Life Grip to save critical allies at the right moments. Lifeweaver may lack raw healing output, but his ability to reposition and shield teammates makes him a uniquely powerful support.

Lifeweaver Combos

Lifeweaver’s kit provides opportunities for creative combinations with his teammates. His abilities allow for unconventional strategies that can catch the opposing team off guard.

D.Va’s high mobility pairs well with Lifeweaver’s Life Grip. Have D.Va dive into the enemy backline, then use Life Grip to pull her out before she loses her mech. D.Va can also eat incoming fire while Lifeweaver ults, protecting the Tree of Life.

Doomfist struggles against ranged enemies, but Lifeweaver can remedy that. Use Petal Platform to boost Doomfist into the air, allowing him to slam down on vulnerable targets. Lifeweaver can then pull Doomfist to safety with Life Grip. This combo enables Doomfist to be more aggressive while staying alive.

Pharah and Lifeweaver can team up to control the high ground. Lifeweaver places a Petal Platform within Pharah’s flight path so she can land and reload her rockets. Then, Lifeweaver can Life Grip Pharah back into the air fully reloaded. From up high, Pharah and Lifeweaver can heal allies and damage enemies while remaining out of reach.

By coordinating with your teammates, Lifeweaver’s unique skill set can lead to innovative strategies for disrupting the enemy. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different hero pairings to find powerful new combos. With practice, Lifeweaver can be an unconventional yet formidable support.

Tips for Playing as Lifeweaver

Playing as Lifeweaver requires patience and practice. His unconventional abilities mean you’ll need to adapt your playstyle. Here are some tips to help you master this unusual support hero:

Focus on positioning: Lifeweaver lacks mobility, so finding good spots to stand is key. Try to stay near cover or high ground where you can still see your team. His healing blossom is target base, so you need line of sight. However, be careful not to make yourself an easy target. Lifeweaver only has 175 health, so dive heroes like Winston or Genji can take you out quickly.

Use abilities strategically: Lifeweaver’s abilities have long cooldowns, so timing is critical. Save Petal Platform to reach high ground or escape danger. Use Life Grip to rescue overextended allies or disrupt enemy plays. Use Healing Blossoms on important targets to gain the most benefit. And drop Rejuvenating Dash for extra self-healing when needed. Communicate with your team so they know when abilities will be available.

Focus on enabling allies: While Lifeweaver’s healing is modest, his abilities allow allies to make big plays. Work with mobile heroes like Doomfist or Tracer and use Life Grip and Petal Platform to set up environmental kills. And use Tree of Life to strengthen a push, allowing your team to advance without fear of damage.

Play around weaknesses: Be aware of Lifeweaver’s vulnerabilities. His limited range and mobility make him an easy dive target, so stay near your team. And his long cooldowns mean missing an ability can be punishing. Play carefully until abilities come back online. Also, watch out for heroes like Widowmaker or Hanzo who can one-shot you from across the map. Use cover and be unpredictable in your movement.

With practice, you’ll get better at anticipating your team’s needs and using Lifeweaver’s unique skills to enable big plays. His unconventional style takes time to master but can be very rewarding. Stay patient, communicate well, and focus on smart ability usage. You’ll be enabling your team in no time!

Lifeweaver Synergies

As an unconventional support hero, Lifeweaver works best when paired with teammates who can make the most of his unique abilities. His healing output may be on the lower end, but Lifeweaver more than makes up for it with his unparalleled utility.

Tanks like Reinhardt, Sigma, and Orisa pair well with Lifeweaver. His Petal Platform ability allows him to quickly reposition these less mobile tanks to the high ground or pull them out of dangerous situations. Lifeweaver’s Life Grip also gives him the ability to yank tanks out of trouble when they overextend. In turn, the shielding and space these tanks provide give Lifeweaver opportunities to deal damage and build his ultimate.

Damage heroes that can take advantage of Lifeweaver’s disruption and mobility also synergize nicely. Heroes like Pharah, Echo, and Genji who often operate away from the main team fight benefit greatly from Lifeweaver’s Life Grip. He can pull them out of tough spots or enable their dives and flanks by transporting them to hard-to-reach areas.

Other supports also work well with Lifeweaver. While Lifeweaver’s healing is on the lower end, supports like Mercy, Moira, and Ana can make up for it with their high healing outputs. Lifeweaver in turn provides them mobility and escape tools they otherwise lack. His ultimate, Tree of Life, also provides burst healing and cover that benefits the whole team.

In general, any hero that either enables or benefits greatly from Lifeweaver’s unparalleled mobility and utility will have good synergy. Tanks that lack mobility, damage heroes that operate away from the team, and primary healers all fit this bill. Pairing Lifeweaver with teammates focused on damage and healing allows him to focus on disruption, escape tools, and controlling the battlefield. With the right synergies, Lifeweaver can be an incredibly impactful part of any team composition.

Lifeweaver’s Counter Strategies

Lifeweaver’s abilities make him great at disrupting the enemy team’s strategies and protecting his allies. However, his unconventional playstyle also leaves him open to counters from certain heroes.

Dive Tanks

As Lifeweaver spends most of his time in the backline, dive tanks like D.Va and Winston can harass him by jumping in and out of the fight. Without abilities to heal himself quickly, Lifeweaver struggles in direct confrontations and relies on escaping to survive these encounters.

High Mobility Flankers

Heroes with high mobility like Genji and Doomfist can dive Lifeweaver in the backline before he has a chance to react. While Life Grip and Petal Platform provide Lifeweaver options to escape, flankers with shorter cooldowns will likely win a direct fight. Sombra can also hack Lifeweaver to disable his abilities, leaving him defenceless.

Long Range Damage

Lifeweaver’s lack of self-healing and low health pool makes him an easy target for snipers like Widowmaker or Hanzo. A single fully-charged headshot or arrow will eliminate Lifeweaver before he contributes significantly to a team fight.

Other Supports

In matchups against high-healing supports like Mercy or Ana, Lifeweaver struggles to keep up, especially when raw healing output is most important. While Lifeweaver provides unique utility, he lacks the raw healing power of other supports, putting his team at a disadvantage.

To overcome these counters, Lifeweaver players should focus on communication, situational awareness, and ability management. Calling out flankers and dive tanks, positioning safely behind cover, and saving abilities to escape threatening situations will allow Lifeweaver to better support his team, even against difficult matchups. With practice, Lifeweaver can transform from an unconventional support into a uniquely irreplaceable one.

How to Get Better at Playing as Lifeweaver

To get better at playing as Lifeweaver, focus on mastering the unconventional parts of his kit. His abilities allow him to manipulate the battlefield in unique ways, but they require practice to use effectively.

Master Life Grip: Lifeweaver’s Life Grip is key to making big plays and saving teammates in danger. However, it requires careful timing and communication to use well. Talk to your team about when they want to be gripped, like if they’re about to use an ultimate or escape an enemy dive. You don’t want to accidentally disrupt a teammate’s strategy! Also watch out griping teammates when they’re vulnerable, like when Widowmaker is scoped in or Ana is healing an ally.

Make the Most of Petal Platform: Petal Platform gives Lifeweaver mobility that most supports lack. Use it to take the high ground and get a better view of the fight, dodge enemy fire, or chase down vulnerable enemies. The platform also allows you to lift allies and enemies, so coordinate with your team to lift diving tanks or supports to safety or lift enemies into a compromising position. Petal Platform requires creativity to utilize fully, so experiment!

Place the Perfect Tree: Lifeweaver’s ultimate, Tree of Life, provides healing and cover, allowing your team to push through chokes or hold a point. However, its placement is key. Put the tree in a spot that blocks enemy’s line of sight while allowing your allies to deal damage, like around a corner in a chokepoint. The tree only has 1200 HP, so keep an eye on its health and be ready to place another if it’s destroyed. Also, don’t use the tree preemptively – wait until a team fight has started so you get the most value from its healing and cover.

With practice, Lifeweaver’s unconventional kit can be a huge asset. Focus on communicating with your team, utilizing his mobility, and placing abilities strategically. Mastering the trickier parts of Lifeweaver’s playstyle will make you a formidable support.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing as Lifeweaver

As Lifeweaver, it’s easy to make mistakes that can cost your team the match. Avoid these common pitfalls, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering this unconventional support hero.

Forgetting Your Healing Duty: Lifeweaver’s healing output is lower than most supports, but that doesn’t mean you can slack off. Make sure to frequently use Healing Blossom on injured allies, especially your tanks and other support heroes. Don’t get so caught up in repositioning enemies or granting vision that you neglect keeping your team alive.

Poor Use of Life Grip: Lifeweaver’s ability to pull allies to safety is one of his strongest attributes, but using it haphazardly can disrupt your teammates and frustrate them. Only use Life Grip when an ally is in immediate danger or could benefit strategically from repositioning. Communicate with your team so they know when a pull is coming. Randomly yanking allies around will likely just annoy them and mess up any plays they were trying to make.

Forgetting Your Own Safety: Between repositioning allies and disrupting enemies, it’s easy to put yourself in dangerous positions as Lifeweaver. Don’t forget that you only have 175 health, making you an easy target. Use Rejuvenating Dash and Petal Platform to frequently reposition yourself in safer areas, especially if the other team has highly mobile heroes that can dive you. Stay near the cover and your team.

Wasting Your Ultimate: Tree of Life is a powerful ultimate, providing both healing and cover for your allies. However, if used at the wrong time or place, it can be easily destroyed by the enemy team. Look for opportunities to use your ultimate when several allies are grouped together, such as during a team fight over an objective. Place the tree in areas that provide good cover but are still accessible to your team. Communicate with your allies so they know to group up for maximum benefit.

With practice, these Lifeweaver mistakes will become second nature to avoid. Focus on smart use of your abilities, sticking close to your team, and balancing healing with disruption. If you can master walking this fine line, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Lifeweaver pro.


So there you have it, everything you need to know to get started dominating matches as Lifeweaver. His unconventional support kit takes some practice to master but can be incredibly rewarding. Don’t be afraid to get creative with how you use his abilities – a well-placed platform can completely change the course of a match. And remember, while keeping your teammates alive is important, don’t be afraid to get in on the action yourself with his powerful Thorn Volley. Lifeweaver may not be the easiest hero to pick up, but she’s one of the most fun. Now get out there, set up those teleporters, and show the enemy team just how annoying a good Lifeweaver can be!

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Tags: Overwatch 2

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