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Overwatch 2: Mercy Guide

As you step onto the battlefield in Overwatch 2, the familiar figure of the valiant healer Mercy awaits. Her wings spread and staff at the ready, she is prepared to damage boost your team to victory or resurrect fallen allies from defeat. Mastering this guardian angel of the Swiss Alps will be key to dominating on control points and payloads. Though her abilities seem simple, harnessing the full potential of her healing stream, damage boost, Resurrect, and Valkyrie ultimate requires practice and skill. This guide will provide you the tips and techniques to unleash Mercy’s gifts, maximize your healing output, boost your teammates’ damage at critical moments, and swoop in for the perfect Resurrect to turn the tide of battle. With her caduceus staff and blaster, you will gain the knowledge to unleash Mercy’s full power. Her wings may be mechanical, but in the right hands, she can work miracles. Prepare to take flight – your team needs you.

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Introduction to Mercy in Overwatch 2

As one of the original support heroes, Mercy is known for her ability to heal allies and resurrect fallen teammates. Mercy remains a straightforward yet versatile hero in Overwatch 2, focused on keeping her team alive and tilting the odds of victory in their favor.

Mercy’s primary tool is her Caduceus Staff, allowing her to either heal allies or increase the damage they inflict by 25%. Her Guardian Angel ability allows her to swiftly fly to and assist allies in need. For defense, Mercy wields a Caduceus Blaster, though it should only be used in emergencies given her critical support role. Perhaps Mercy’s most powerful ability is Resurrect, which can revive a fallen teammate. A well-timed Resurrect during a team fight can turn the tide and allow allies to rejoin the fray. During her Valkyrie ultimate, Mercy can fly freely while her abilities are enhanced, spreading her healing and damage beams to multiple allies at once.

To master Mercy, focus on staying mobile while keeping allies healed and boosted as needed. Use the vertical space and cover provided by maps to avoid enemy fire, descending slowly with Angelic Descent or dodging quickly with Crouch. Work with allies like Pharah, Ashe or Echo who can take advantage of your damage boost and keep you airborne. Counter enemy Ana, Sombra and Winston, who can hamper your mobility and healing. With practice, you’ll be orchestrating your team’s survival and paving the way to victory.

Mercy’s Abilities and How to Use Them

As a support hero in Overwatch 2, Mercy’s primary role is to heal and boost her teammates using her Caduceus staff.

The Caduceus Staff has two abilities:

  • Healing beam: Hold down left click to heal an ally. This will restore their health over time. Move the beam between multiple allies to keep your whole team healthy during a fight.
  • Damage boost: Hold down right click to increase an ally’s damage output by 25%. Use this to empower allies like Ashe, Widowmaker or Pharah and help them eliminate key targets.

Mercy’s mobility comes from Guardian Angel, which allows her to fly quickly to an ally’s side. Use Guardian Angel frequently to dash between teammates, evade danger, and get into position to use Resurrect. Press jump while flying to launch upwards, or crouch to drop down – mixing up your movement will make you harder to hit.

Resurrect brings a dead ally back to life with full health. This game-changing ability should be used carefully, as Mercy is vulnerable while casting it. Look for opportunities to resurrect key allies like tanks or high-damage heroes in the midst of a team fight.

Finally, Valkyrie enhances all of Mercy’s abilities, allowing her healing and damage beams to affect multiple allies at once. Use Valkyrie when your team is grouped up to keep everyone topped up during heavy fighting. Valkyrie also dramatically improves Mercy’s mobility and self-healing, so don’t be afraid to make risky resurrects or dives to save low allies during its duration.

Mastering these abilities and learning to fluidly switch between healing, damage boosting and resurrecting at opportune moments is key to playing Mercy effectively in Overwatch 2. With practice, you’ll be ensuring your team always has the support they need to achieve victory.

Mercy Combos

Mercy works well with certain team compositions and hero pairings. Some of the most effective combos include:

  • Pharah: Pharah’s ability to stay airborne for long periods synergizes perfectly with Mercy’s mobility. Mercy can use Guardian Angel to follow Pharah, providing healing and damage boosts. This “Pharmercy” combo is a classic and powerful strategy.
  • Echo: Like Pharah, Echo excels at aerial mobility, allowing Mercy to utilize Guardian Angel and stay aloft while supporting her. Mercy’s damage boost and healing enable Echo to harass the enemy team from above.
  • Brigitte: Although very different in abilities, Brigitte and Mercy complement each other. Brigitte’s shield provides cover for Mercy while healing. And Brigitte’s close-range attacks pair well with mobile allies like Genji and Tracer, who can eliminate Mercy. Brigitte also benefits greatly from Mercy’s damage boost and healing.

Using these hero combinations, Mercy can maximize her effectiveness through synergistic team play. By coordinating with allies and playing to each hero’s strengths, Mercy combos can overwhelm the enemy. Adept Mercy players will get the most value out of these complementary pairings.

Tips for Playing as Mercy

As Mercy, your primary goal is to keep your teammates alive. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind to maximize your effectiveness:

  • Positioning is key to surviving and thriving as Mercy. Stay behind your teammates and use natural cover like walls when possible. Guardian Angel allows you to quickly reposition, so make use of it frequently to avoid enemy fire. Try to maintain line of sight with as many allies as possible so you can fly to them in emergencies.
  • Focus your healing on the ally currently taking the most damage. Damage boost priority targets like Bastion, Pharah or Echo when no one needs immediate healing. Resurrect teammates in a safe location and when the enemy team is distracted. Choose targets for Valkyrie that will provide the most value to your team like a nanoboosted Reinhardt or ulting Genji.
  • Call out when you need help or are in danger. Inform your team when you plan to use Resurrect or Valkyrie so they can coordinate. Ask a teammate to fall back if you need an escape route. Communication and teamwork are key to victory.
  • While Mercy’s blaster does little damage, use it when necessary to defend yourself, especially when cornered with no teammates around. Melee attacking can also finish off weak enemies and build your ultimate charge. Stay mobile and use your mobility to avoid confronting enemies directly when possible. Your life is valuable, so do what you must to stay alive.

By following these tips, you will be well on your way to becoming a master Mercy and enabling your team to achieve victory. Stay alert, prioritize your healing, communicate often and do your best to avoid risky situations. With practice, Mercy’s abilities will become second nature.

Mercy Synergies

Mercy works well with damage heroes that can stay airborne for long periods, allowing her to damage boost or heal them while avoiding enemy fire.

Pharah is a classic partner for Mercy. Her ability to hover and fly high into the air pairs perfectly with Mercy’s Guardian Angel ability, allowing Mercy to follow Pharah and support her from above. The damage boost from Mercy’s Caduceus Staff causes Pharah’s already formidable rockets to become even more deadly. This “Pharmercy” duo can control the high ground and the skies.

Echo has a similar synergy with Mercy. Her versatile kit allows her to stay airborne, and her beams and bombs become much more effective when boosted by Mercy’s staff. Mercy can fly between Echo’s aerial positions, keeping her in the fight.

While not ideal for prolonged aerial support, Ashe benefits greatly from Mercy’s damage boost. The increased power and reduced reload time of Ashe’s rifle allows her to put immense pressure on enemy frontlines and shields. Mercy should prioritize boosting Ashe during her ultimate, “BOB, do something!”, to maximize its impact.

In general, Mercy works best with damage heroes that have consistent, ranged damage output which she can augment with her damage boost. Tanks like Reinhardt and Sigma can also provide cover and protection for Mercy, allowing her to focus on supporting her damage partners. With the right synergies and teamwork, Mercy is a force multiplier that enables her allies to dominate the battlefield.

Mercy’s Counter Strategies

As an easy target, Mercy needs to be aware of potential counters and have strategies to avoid them.

Ana’s biotic grenade nullifies all of Mercy’s healing, rendering her useless. Stay out of Ana’s line of sight and behind cover when possible. Mercy’s resurrection can also be interrupted by Ana’s sleep dart, so be wary when attempting to revive teammates in Ana’s vicinity.

Ashe’s dynamite stops Mercy’s health regeneration, keeping her out of the fight longer. When dynamite is deployed, use Guardian Angel to fly out of its radius immediately. Staying mobile and at a distance from Ashe will limit opportunities for her to use dynamite effectively.

Winston and Tracer have high mobility and damage, making them suited to chasing down Mercy. When confronted by them, use Guardian Angel frequently to stay out of their range. Place teammates between yourself and these heroes, using them as barriers. Guardian Angel to separated teammates to split their focus.

Sombra’s hacking abilities counter Mercy’s mobility and resurrection. Remain observant for Sombra’s stealth shimmer and translocator. When hacked, retreat to teammates who can defend you until abilities reactivate. Staying with multiple teammates also makes you a less ideal hack target, as Sombra will have to deal with their damage and crowd control abilities as well.

With awareness and the right techniques, Mercy can avoid or minimize the impact of her counters. Remaining mobile, using cover and teammates for protection, and staying out of line of sight of certain heroes are all strategies Mercy should employ to survive and continue supporting her team.

How to Get Better at Playing as Mercy

To improve your skills with Mercy, focus on her core abilities and how to utilize them most effectively.

Healing: Mercy’s primary role is to heal her allies. Use your Caduceus Staff to restore teammates’ health, prioritizing those in critical condition. Move between allies rapidly with Guardian Angel to keep everyone in the fight. During team fights, stay mobile and spread your healing beam to multiple allies when possible.

Damage Boost: While healing is critical, don’t underestimate the power of Mercy’s damage boost. When your team isn’t taking much damage, damage boost key damage dealers like Ashe or McCree to help them eliminate opponents more quickly. The additional 25% damage can mean the difference between securing a kill or the enemy escaping.

Resurrection: Mercy’s Resurrection is one of the most powerful abilities in the game. Use it wisely to bring a key ally back to life during important fights. Move in stealthily after your ally has died, resurrect them, and then fly to safety with Guardian Angel. Resurrecting a tank or damage hero at the right moment can turn the tide of battle in your team’s favor.

Ultimate: Mercy’s Valkyrie ultimate enhances all of her abilities, allowing her to fly freely, heal/damage boost multiple allies at once, and resurrect much more rapidly. Use Valkyrie when your team is making a strong push, to save allies from elimination during a team fight, or to quickly resurrect two fallen teammates. While ulting, fly erratically to avoid enemy fire and spread your healing/damage boost beams to as many allies as possible for maximum impact.

With practice, you’ll be dashing between allies, keeping your team alive and boosting them to victory. Focus on utilizing all of Mercy’s tools and you’ll be well on your way to mastering this valiant healer.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing as Mercy

As an adept support hero, Mercy requires precision and strategy to utilize her abilities effectively. Some common errors to avoid include:

  • Neglecting your own safety. While your role is to heal teammates, you must also protect yourself. Do not revive allies in dangerous situations or fly into unsafe areas. Stay behind cover when possible and use your pistol for self-defense if needed.
  • Focusing on a single teammate. Though Mercy excels at healing individual heroes, do not dedicate yourself to only one ally. Scan the battlefield and heal those most in need of aid to benefit your whole team.
  • Wasting your ultimate ability, Valkyrie. Activate Valkyrie when several teammates require healing simultaneously or to damage boost during a push. Do not use it for a single revive or when your team has the advantage, as it will be wasted. Save it for when it can truly turn the tide of battle.
  • Neglecting to damage boost. While healing is crucial, Mercy’s damage boost can empower damage-dealing teammates and help eliminate opponents more quickly. Look for opportunities to boost teammates with high damage weapons like Ashe or Widowmaker.
  • Forgetting about resurrect. Mercy’s resurrect ability is invaluable for swinging team fights in your favor. However, the ability’s cooldown means you must use it judiciously. Resurrect key teammates like tanks or damage dealers, especially when their unique abilities or ultimates are needed. But do not revive if it puts you in immediate danger.

By avoiding these common mistakes and utilizing Mercy’s abilities strategically, you can become a formidable force in supporting your team to victory. With practice, Mercy’s healing and damage boosting, timely resurrects, and Valkyrie ultimate will turn you into a hero your teammates can rely upon.


As you follow these tips and practice with Mercy, you’ll find your skills improving and your ability to keep your teammates alive increasing dramatically. Mastering the techniques of damage boosting, rez timing, super jump, and Valkyrie management will make you an asset to any team. While Mercy’s kit may seem straightforward, there are many nuances to learn. Keep at it, continue watching the best Mercy players for new strategies, and stay up to date with any changes to her abilities. With time and dedication, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top Mercy player and an invaluable support for your team. The journey to mastery is challenging, but helping your allies secure victory after victory makes the effort worthwhile. Now go forth – your team needs you!

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Tags: Overwatch 2

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