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Overwatch 2: Reaper Guide

As an Overwatch 2 player looking to up your game, you owe it to yourself to spend some quality time with the edgiest damage hero on the roster – Reaper. While some may dismiss Reaper as an overly simple hero meant for beginners, his kit has a deceptive amount of depth that takes time to master. Equipped with his signature Hellfire Shotguns and a menacing set of abilities, Reaper excels at ambushing enemy teams and picking off vulnerable targets. The key to unleashing your inner Reaper and maximizing his potential lies in fully understanding how to properly position yourself, manage your abilities, and get in the mindset of a ruthless hunter seeking out weak prey. If you’re ready to embrace your dark side and strike fear into the hearts of your opponents, this guide will teach you everything you need to know to dominate as the infamous mercenary known as Reaper. The reaping begins now!

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Introduction to Reaper in Overwatch 2

As an offense hero in Overwatch 2, Reaper excels at close-quarters combat and flanking maneuvers. His signature Hellfire Shotguns can devastate enemies at short range. Reaper also has abilities that allow him to move in quickly, deal damage, and escape.

To play Reaper effectively, take advantage of your abilities to ambush opponents and attack from an unexpected direction. Focus on targets like healers or damage dealers, and escape quickly after scoring a kill. Reaper excels on maps with lots of routes for flanking and tight spaces where enemies cannot easily avoid his Hellfire Shotguns. Mastering Reaper requires balancing aggression and stealth for a deadly offensive playstyle.

With practice, you’ll be reaping through the enemy team and unleashing your inner edge lord in no time. Reaper embodies the offense role and rewards players for mechanical skill and cunning tactics.

Reaper’s Abilities and How to Use Them

To unleash Reaper’s full potential in Overwatch 2, you must master his abilities.

The Reaping

Reaper’s passive ability restores health whenever he deals damage. You regenerate 35% of damage dealt. The Reaping allows Reaper to stay in the fight, so continue attacking enemies to maximize health regeneration.

Hellfire Shotguns

Reaper’s primary weapons are a pair of shotguns with a short range but high damage. They each hold 8 shots before reloading and take 2.5 seconds to fully reload. Get in close to enemies to inflict maximum damage, firing and reloading continuously. Aim for headshots and weak points in the enemy’s armor.

Shadow Step

Reaper dissolves into a wraith form and teleports up to 35 meters away. Use Shadow Step strategically to get into an optimal position for ambushes or escape dangerous situations. The ability has a short cooldown.

Wraith Form

Reaper becomes invulnerable for 3 seconds but cannot attack. Activate Wraith Form when under fire to avoid damage, pass through enemies, or reload your shotguns. Be aware of its 8 second cooldown and try to find cover before it ends.

Death Blossom

Reaper spins rapidly, firing his shotguns in all directions. This ultimate ability deals massive damage to nearby enemies but leaves Reaper vulnerable during its duration. Use Death Blossom when enemies are grouped up for maximum impact.

With practice, you can master Reaper’s abilities and shotgun skills to become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. His powerful but specialized kit rewards an aggressive playstyle and the clever use of positioning to ambush your foes.

Reaper Combos

As Reaper, one of the deadliest characters in Overwatch 2, mastering combo moves is key to unleashing devastation on your enemies. By chaining your abilities together, you can swiftly eliminate targets before they have a chance to react.

Shadow Step + Death Blossom

This combo allows you to get into position to unleash Reaper’s deadly ultimate. Use Shadow Step to teleport behind the enemy team or into a flanking position. Immediately activate Death Blossom once you arrive to spin in a circle, shooting your shotguns and damaging all nearby enemies. The element of surprise works in your favor here.

Wraith Form + Shotgun

When engaging enemies head-on, use Wraith Form to close the distance while avoiding damage. As soon as Wraith Form ends, start firing your shotguns at the closest enemy. The brief moment of invulnerability allows you to get up close where your weapons are most effective. Blast away at tanks and squishy heroes alike until they succumb.

By combining Reaper’s abilities, you can maximize damage and secure kills that might otherwise escape your grasp. Practice the timing and positioning required for these combos, and you’ll be reaping souls in no time. Continuously improve your skills to become an even deadlier force on the battlefield. With these reaper combos in your arsenal, your enemies won’t stand a ghost of a chance.

Tips for Playing as Reaper

As an offense hero, Reaper excels at close-quarters combat and flanking opponents. To unleash your inner Reaper, focus on these strategies:

  • Stay hidden and strike from behind. Use Reaper’s Shadow Step ability to teleport behind enemy lines unseen. Then ambush your opponents before they realize you’re there. His Hellfire Shotguns deal massive damage at close range, so get in close for quick kills.
  • Target vulnerable heroes. Look for isolated or distracted targets like Widowmaker, Hanzo, Zenyatta or Ana. Reaper can tear through their smaller health pools, and his spread shotguns don’t require precise aim. Dispatch them before they have a chance to react.
  • Wraith Form lets you escape. If you get into trouble, use Reaper’s Wraith Form to become invulnerable and move faster. Flee the area and find a health pack to recover before continuing your assault.
  • Coordinate your ultimate. Reaper’s Death Blossom ultimate can wipe out an entire team when used properly. Activate it when the enemy team is grouped together in a small area. Let your teammates know you plan to use Death Blossom so they can capitalize on the damage and confusion.

Reaper requires patience and the element of surprise. Flank carefully, target key heroes and escape when needed. Work with your team to maximize the damage from Death Blossom. By mastering these tips, you’ll leave your opponents trembling at the sight of your skull mask and twin Hellfire Shotguns.

Reaper Synergies

To maximize Reaper’s effectiveness, synergizing him with certain heroes can amplify his damage and survivability. Some of the best teammates for Reaper include:

  • Tanks like Reinhardt, Orisa and Sigma provide barriers or protection that allow Reaper to get in close to enemies without taking too much damage. Their crowd control abilities can also immobilize foes so Reaper can line up easy shots.
  • Support heroes like Mercy, Ana, and Lucio can keep Reaper alive in the midst of combat with their healing. Mercy’s damage boost and Ana’s nano-boost, in particular, empower Reaper to shred through enemies. Lucio’s speed boost helps Reaper quickly close the distance to get within effective range of his shotguns. His knockback boop can also be useful for disrupting enemy formations.
  • Fellow damage heroes like Sombra, Mei and Symmetra have abilities that can restrict enemy movement, allowing Reaper to move in for an execution. Sombra can hack enemy tanks and remove their barriers, exposing enemies. Mei and Symmetra provide terrain that enemies must navigate, slowing them down.

By coordinating with teammates that can enable his lethal close-quarters style, Reaper becomes a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. The synergies created with the right hero combinations will allow you to unleash your inner Reaper and overcome any foe.

Reaper’s Counter Strategies

To effectively counter enemy Reapers, you must understand his abilities and how to disrupt them.

Wraith Form: Reaper’s Wraith Form allows him to become invulnerable and move faster for a short time. To counter this, avoid shooting at Reaper while in this form to avoid wasting ammunition. Instead, predict where he will exit Wraith Form and prepare to attack that location. Crowd control abilities like Roadhog’s hook or Cassidy’s grenade are also useful for interrupting Wraith Form.

Shadow Step: Reaper’s Shadow Step allows him to quickly teleport to a targeted location. However, Reaper is vulnerable during the casting animation and exit of Shadow Step. Attack Reaper immediately after he exits Shadow Step to catch him off guard, or use area of effect abilities like Junkrat’s trap to where you anticipate he will teleport. Reaper’s Shadow Step location can often be anticipated, so prepare to ambush common teleport spots.

Death Blossom: Reaper’s ultimate, Death Blossom, deals massive damage to nearby enemies but leaves Reaper vulnerable while casting. Quickly stun, hook or hack Reaper to interrupt Death Blossom. Alternatively, avoid Reaper’s line of sight using cover or shields. Damage mitigation abilities like Zenyatta’s Transcendence or Lucio’s Sound Barrier are also useful for surviving Death Blossom.

By understanding Reaper’s abilities and how to effectively disrupt them, you can gain the upper hand against enemy Reapers and unleash your inner reaper. Stay vigilant, anticipate his movements and shut him down before he harms your team. With practice, Reaper will prove no match for your honed skills.

How to Get Better at Playing as Reaper

To master Reaper in Overwatch 2, focus on the following techniques:

Positioning: As Reaper, utilize flanking positions and side routes to get behind enemy lines. His shotguns are most effective at close range, so maneuver to ambush opponents from unexpected angles. Once in position, teleport in to surprise enemies and make quick work of them before they have a chance to react.

Ability Management: Reaper’s abilities allow him to swiftly reposition and escape danger. Use Shadow Step to teleport to high ground or behind enemy lines when your team engages. This allows you to attack from an optimal location while the enemy is distracted. If focused by multiple opponents, employ Wraith Form to become invulnerable and retreat to cover. Time this ability well to avoid lethal damage.

Target Prioritization: Reaper excels at eliminating enemy supports and snipers. Flank to the backline and target these heroes first to cripple the opposing team. Supports like Mercy, Zenyatta, and Ana should be your top priorities, as eliminating them will make it nearly impossible for the enemy team to sustain a push. Once the supports are down, focus on taking out snipers like Widowmaker and Ashe.

Ultimate Usage: Reaper’s ultimate, Death Blossom, can be a game changer if used properly. Look for opportunities when multiple enemies are grouped together, such as when defending a chokepoint. Activate your ultimate from an elevated position or flank for maximum effect, aiming to damage as many opponents as possible. Call out your ultimate to teammates so they can follow up, or use it when your team has also committed their ultimates for a combined effort. With practice, you’ll be unleashing your inner reaper and dominating matches in no time!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing as Reaper

Overextending: As Reaper, it can be tempting to Shadow Step behind enemy lines and try to take out vulnerable targets. However, Reaper excels at close-quarters combat and lacks mobility, so pushing too far into enemy territory often leads to being overwhelmed and eliminated. Instead, use Shadow Step to reposition to locations that still allow you to escape if needed, such as behind nearby cover or on high ground. From there, target enemies within your effective range before Wraith Forming to safety.

Poor Target Priority: Reaper deals massive damage up close, but his shotguns lack accuracy at longer ranges. Focus your efforts on tanks, healers, and other close-range heroes that you can quickly dispatch. Don’t waste shots and cooldowns on distant targets unless they are already low health. Prioritize staying alive over chasing eliminations so you can continue pressuring the enemy frontline.

Forgetting Wraith Form: Wraith Form is Reaper’s only means of escape, so make sure you have it ready in case you get into trouble. Don’t use Wraith Form preemptively before engaging unless necessary. Save it as an “oh crap!” button in case you start taking too much damage. While in Wraith Form, head to cover or high ground so you can reload, heal up, and re-engage on your terms.

Lack of Team Coordination: Reaper excels when working with his team to isolate key targets. Coordinate with your tanks and healers to focus fire important enemies. Let your team know when you plan to use Death Blossom so they can follow up, and in turn protect you while channeling your ultimate. Teamwork and communication are key to mastering Reaper.


As you have learned, Reaper is a formidable hero in Overwatch 2 with a high skill ceiling. While his abilities may appear straightforward, utilizing them to their full potential requires practice and game sense. With time and experience, you will be teleporting behind enemies, timing your shots, and unleashing Death Blossom at the perfect moment to devastate the other team. Reaper embodies the edgy and rebellious spirit of Overwatch, and mastering his abilities allows you to spread fear on the battlefield. If you dedicate yourself to understanding Reaper’s mechanics and mentality, you too can become the harbinger of death and unleash your inner reaper. The power is in your hands – now get out there and reap.

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Tags: Overwatch 2

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