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Overwatch 2: Roadhog Guide

As you enter the battlefields of Overwatch 2, you’ll need to choose a hero that fits your playstyle. If you prefer tanking damage and disrupting enemies, Roadhog is an excellent choice. His powerful scrap gun and hook combo make him adept at controlling space and isolating vulnerable targets. Mastering Roadhog requires balancing aggression and defence to maximize your impact.

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Introduction to Roadhog in Overwatch 2

With 600 health and the ability to heal himself, Roadhog excels at absorbing damage for his team. His chain hook pulls enemies out of position, allowing your teammates to focus them down. A well-placed hook on a healer or damage dealer can instantly turn the tide of a team fight in your favour. However, Roadhog’s large hitbox and lack of armour make him susceptible to high-damage attacks if not properly supported by his healers and fellow tank.

To truly dominate as Roadhog, you must learn to read the battlefield, detect vulnerabilities in the enemy’s positioning, and capitalize on every opportunity to disrupt their strategies. His scrap gun deals massive damage at close range but requires precision aim to be effective. With practice, you’ll be landing hooks and eliminating key targets as a formidable one-man apocalypse leading your team to victory. This guide provides the strategies and techniques to master this menacing tank. Now get out there and show them your strength!

Roadhog’s Abilities and How to Use Them

As an off-tank hero in Overview 2, Roadhog excels at disrupting enemies and pulling them out of position. His Scrap Gun, a short-range combat shotgun, deals high damage and can one-shot most heroes.

  • Scrap Gun: Roadhog’s primary weapon. Fire scrap metal shards at close range.
  • Chain Hook: Throw out a hook that pulls the first enemy hit towards you. Extremely useful for isolating targets from their team.
  • Take a Breather: Heal yourself and reduce damage taken for a short time. Use this ability to stay alive when under fire.
  • Whole Hog (Ultimate): Unleash your scrap cannon for a short time. Knock back enemies and deal high damage with this powerful ultimate.

With practice, you’ll be landing hooks and dominating the battlefield as the notorious one-man apocalypse in no time. Roadhog can be a formidable hero in the right hands, so get out there and start reaping!

Scrap Gun

Roadhog’s Scrap Gun is his primary weapon. It fires short-range blasts of shrapnel that deal major damage. Use the Scrap Gun at close range to quickly eliminate weaker enemies. The alternate fire launches a mid-range ball of shrapnel that explodes on impact, damaging all enemies in its radius.

Chain Hook

Roadhog’s Chain Hook is one of the deadliest abilities in Overwatch. It launches a chain that pulls the first enemy it hits directly in front of Roadhog, allowing him to blast them with his Scrap Gun. Use the Chain Hook to pick off important targets like healers or snipers, then blow them away. The Chain Hook is also useful for environmental kills by dragging enemies off the map.

Take a Breather

Roadhog’s Take a Breather ability allows him to restore a large amount of health over a short time. Use Take a Breather when your health gets low to survive and continue fighting. The damage reduction it provides can also allow you to survive enemy ultimate abilities. Take a Breather is key to Roadhog’s longevity in battle.

Whole Hog

Roadhog’s ultimate ability, Whole Hog, fires a barrage of shrapnel over a wide area, dealing massive damage to all enemies in front of him. Use Whole Hog to devastate grouped-up enemies, clear objectives, or push opponents off the map. Whole Hog can also be used defensively to create space between you and the enemy team. Fire it down chokepoints or narrow corridors to control the flow of battle.

Roadhog Combos

To maximize Roadhog’s effectiveness, it’s important to understand how to combo his abilities. His scrap gun, heal, and hook makes for devastating combinations when used together.

Scrap Gun + Hook + Melee

Roadhog’s primary fire from his scrap gun works well when followed up with a melee attack and his chain hook. This combo deals major damage and can eliminate smaller enemies.

  1. Fire your scrap gun (alternate fire) at mid-range.
  2. Use your hook to pull the enemy in for more attacks.
  3. Move forward as your hook connects to the target and fire your scrap gun (primary fire) again at close range.
  4. Immediately press melee to bash the enemy.

Whole Hog + Hook

Roadhog’s ultimate ability, Whole Hog, pushes enemies back with a flurry of shrapnel. Use it in combination with your hook to keep enemies in the line of fire.

  1. Activate Whole Hog to unleash your weapon’s fury.
  2. Look for an enemy trying to escape the barrage.
  3. Quickly throw your hook at the fleeing enemy to yank them back into the chaos.

Using these combos, Roadhog becomes a formidable threat on the battlefield. His sustain, area control, and pick potential make him a powerful asset to any team.

Tips for Playing as Roadhog

As Roadhog, focus on defending your team and disrupting the enemy. Some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use your chain hook to pull enemies out of position and separate them from their team. This makes them easy targets for you and your teammates to eliminate.
  • Your Scrap Gun does high damage at close range. Get close to enemies before firing for maximum impact. The shrapnel can hit multiple targets at once, so aim for groups when possible.
  • Take a Breather frequently to heal yourself in the midst of battle. The damage reduction allows you to survive longer and continue fighting. Retreat behind cover or around a corner when using this ability.
  • Your ultimate, Whole Hog, pushes enemies back and does high damage. Use it to clear objectives, knock enemies off the map, or separate teams. Fire in short bursts for the best control and damage.
  • Work with your team, especially tanks and healers. Let your healers know when you need to heal so they can support you. Pair with other tanks like Reinhardt or Zarya for maximum disruption in Open Queue.
  • Protect your team’s damage dealers and healers. Use your large health pool and damage mitigation to shield them from harm. Hook and eliminate threats before they reach your backline.

Following these tips will make you a formidable Roadhog and help lead your team to victory. Disrupt, defend, and devastate the enemy with your arsenal of close-range and crowd-control abilities. Stay near your team, protect your healers, and eliminate key targets to control the objective.

Roadhog Synergies

Roadhog works well with several heroes that can capitalize on his abilities.


Ana’s Biotic Grenade amplifies the healing Roadhog receives from his Take a Breather, allowing him to survive longer in the midst of combat. Ana’s Nano Boost also strengthens Roadhog, increasing his damage and reducing damage taken. When Nano Boosted, Roadhog becomes a formidable threat that demands the enemy’s attention.


Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord makes enemies more vulnerable to damage, enabling Roadhog to swiftly defeat them with his Scrap Gun and Chain Hook. Zenyatta can also place his Orb of Harmony on Roadhog, healing him and allowing him to endure in combat for extended periods. The additional sustain from Zenyatta complements Roadhog’s naturally high health pool.


Baptiste’s Immortality Field prevents Roadhog from dying when using his ultimate, Whole Hog, allowing him to channel it for its full duration. Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix also doubles the damage of Roadhog’s Scrap Gun and Chain Hook, posing a serious threat to the enemy team. The synergy between Baptiste’s abilities and Roadhog’s high-damage and sustainability makes them a fearsome duo.

Roadhog’s Counter Strategies

To effectively counter Roadhog as an opponent, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind:

Maintain distance: Stay out of Roadhog’s hook range (20 meters) whenever possible. His hook combo (hook + scrap gunshot) deals massive damage and can instantly eliminate most heroes.

Focus fire: Target Roadhog first in team fights. His large hitbox and lack of mobility make him an easy target to focus down. Call out “focus Roadhog” to your teammates to take him out quickly.

Use cover: Use corners and the environment to break line of sight from Roadhog’s scrap gun and hook. He has no way to get past barriers or flank easily due to his size.

Hero counters

Good counters to Roadhog include:

  • Reaper can easily outdamage Roadhog at close range and wraith form prevents the hook combo.
  • Ana’s sleep dart and biotic grenade both counter Roadhog well. Sleep dart stops his ultimate and heal, while anti-heal prevents his self-healing.
  • Pharah can stay out of Roadhog’s range and pressure him from the air with rockets. Her concussive blast also knocks Roadhog out of position.
  • Zenyatta’s discord orb makes Roadhog an easy target to focus down, and transcendence can counter Roadhog’s ultimate.

Following these tips and focusing on the right heroes will help ensure Roadhog has a limited impact on your team. Constantly be aware of his position and hook cooldown to avoid getting picked off, then strike once he has used it. With teamwork and the right strategy, Roadhog can be easily defeated.

How to Get Better at Playing as Roadhog

To improve your skills with Roadhog, focus on these key tips:

Aim Carefully

Line up your shots and take your time before firing. Roadhog’s Scrap Gun has a wide spread, so precision aiming is key. Try leading your target slightly or aiming at their feet, especially at longer ranges. His Chain Hook also requires careful aiming to grab enemies. Practice will improve your accuracy.

Time Your Abilities

Knowing when to use Roadhog’s abilities is crucial. Throw your Chain Hook when enemies are out of position or distracted to grab them. Use your Take a Breather heal ability when at half health or less. Try to break line of sight with enemies first. Whole Hog, your ultimate, is best used to displace enemies from an objective or push them into a corner. Coordinate with your team to maximize its impact.

Stay With Your Team

Roadhog works best when supporting his team. Try to move and attack with your teammates instead of flanking alone. Your large health pool and healing ability allow you to lead pushes onto objectives. Push forward to draw enemy fire, then heal yourself while your team follows up. Peel for vulnerable allies by hooking enemies away from them. Roadhog’s abilities really shine when combating multiple enemies at once with team support.

Know Your Matchups

Understand which heroes Roadhog counters and which counter him. Roadhog excels against large targets like tanks that he can easily hook and damage. However, he struggles against heroes that can kite him at long range like Pharah and Echo. When facing your counters, play more cautiously and try to hook them only when their movement abilities are on cooldown for the best chance of success. With practice, you’ll gain a strong sense of the optimal times to pick Roadhog.

Following these tips and practicing consistently will make you a formidable Roadhog player. Stay calm under pressure, carefully line up your shots, time your abilities well, work with your team, and know your matchups. Master these skills and you’ll be hooking your way to victory.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing as Roadhog

As Roadhog, it’s easy to make mistakes that can hurt your team. Avoid these common pitfalls:


Roadhog has a large health pool, but he lacks mobility. Don’t charge into the enemy backline alone. You’ll get focused down quickly without support. Instead, work with your tanks and damage heroes. Let them initiate, then follow up for picks. Only flank when you have Whole Hog ready to escape.

Wasting Hooks

Your hook is Roadhog’s most powerful ability. Use it wisely. Don’t just throw hooks on cooldown hoping for a lucky catch. Track enemy cooldowns and hook priority targets like supports when their movement abilities are down. If you do miss a hook, don’t panic. Wait for the next opportunity and line up your shot carefully.

Poor Ult Usage

Whole Hog deals massive damage, but it also leaves you vulnerable. Don’t just activate it in the open field – you’ll get stunned and killed instantly. Look for enclosed spaces you can knock enemies into, or corners you can pin them against. Herd enemies into a tight area, then unleash Whole Hog at close range. This maximizes damage and gives you cover to survive.

Bad Positioning

Roadhog lacks mobility but has a huge hitbox. Don’t stay too far from your team or overextend on flanks. You’ll just get focused and die. Play near cover or corners so you can quickly break line of sight if overwhelmed. Stay behind your shields when moving in, then look for picks when the enemy is distracted. With good positioning, you can survive for a long time and get multiple kills per life.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll become an unstoppable force of destruction on Roadhog. Master the hook, choose your moments carefully, and work with your team to devastate the enemy.


As you have read, Roadhog is a versatile tank hero in Overwatch 2 with significant destructive potential. His powerful close-range abilities allow you to disrupt enemy teams, separate vulnerable targets from their allies, and secure eliminations. However, Roadhog’s lack of mobility and large hitbox also make him an easy target, requiring strategic positioning and the support of your own team. With practice, you can master the hook combo, land more accurate shots, and time Whole Hog to maximize impact. Roadhog rewards players who understand his strengths, cover his weaknesses, and make the most of his intimidating presence on the battlefield. If played well, Roadhog can be the driving force that leads your team to victory.

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Tags: Overwatch 2

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