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Overwatch 2: Winston Guide

As a tank hero in Overwatch 2, playing Winston requires a mix of game sense, mechanical skill, and teamwork. To truly master this genetically-engineered gorilla, you’ll need to understand how to utilize his abilities to their full potential and execute strategies that enable your team to capture objectives. Mastering Winston means learning how to dance on the edge of death, disrupting the enemy backline, and creating opportunities for your damage dealers to get eliminations. With the right mindset and technical skill, you can become an unstoppable force and guide your team to victory. This guide provides the tips and tricks you need to unleash your inner beast and dominate matches as the zany, lightning-wielding tank, Winston.

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Introduction to Winston in Overwatch 2

In Overwatch 2, Winston is a genetically engineered gorilla and a founding member of Overwatch. As a tank hero, Winston uses a combination of electricity and force to disrupt opponents and protect allies.

  • His main weapon, the Tesla Cannon, releases a short-range cone of electricity that can hit multiple enemies at once. With the secondary fire, Winston can charge up a shot and fire a focused bolt of electricity that does a fair amount of single-target damage.
  • Winston’s Jump Pack allows him to leap long distances, enabling quick escapes or surprise attacks from above. Upon landing, the Jump Pack deals damage and knocks enemies back.
  • Winston’s barrier, Projected Barrier, deploys a protective energy dome that shields allies and blocks enemy fire. Proper placement of the Projected Barrier is key to success with Winston.
  • Primal Rage transforms Winston into a raging beast, greatly increasing his health, melee damage, and jump pack damage. This ultimate ability lasts for 10 seconds but can easily overwhelm opponents in close quarters.

To excel as Winston, focus on disrupting the enemy backline by targeting vulnerable heroes like snipers, healers and other squishy characters. Use your abilities to create space for your damage dealers and protect them when needed. With practice, you’ll be leaping and zapping your way to victory in no time. Winston’s ability to adapt to any situation makes him a formidable tank and protector.

Winston’s Abilities and How to Use Them

To master Winston, you need to understand how to effectively utilize his abilities.

Tesla Cannon

Winston’s primary weapon fires electric bursts in a cone shape. Use it at close range, sweeping side to side to damage multiple enemies. Use it secondary fire to snipe low-hp targets with focused bolt of electricity.

Jump Pack

Winston’s leap allows him to quickly traverse the map and dive into the fray. Use it to:

  • Engage enemies by landing near them.
  • Escape dangerous situations. Jump up and away from the fight to avoid death.
  • Chase down weak or fleeing enemies trying to escape.

Barrier Projector

Winston’s domed shield blocks enemy fire and abilities. Deploy it to:

  • Protect your team by placing it around them during a firefight.
  • Isolate enemies by trapping them inside the bubble. Your tesla cannon will make quick work of them.
  • Provide cover while taking an objective. Place the shield on the point to guard your team as they capture it.

Primal Rage (Ultimate)

Winston’s ultimate turns him into a raging beast. Activate it to:

  • Gain health and knock back enemies. Useful when losing a fight to turn the tide.
  • Disrupt the enemy team. The knockback and damage will scatter them, allowing your team to pick them off.
  • Stall the enemy objective. The health gain and knockback can buy your team valuable time.

Mastering these abilities and learning the proper strategies for each situation will make you an unstoppable Winston player. With practice, you’ll be dominating on the front line and protecting your teammates in no time.

Winston Combos

To maximize Winston’s effectiveness, utilize combos that synergize his abilities.

Tesla Cannon and Jump Pack. Winston’s Tesla Cannon and Jump Pack allow for aerial assaults on enemies. Jump into the air above targets, then aim your Tesla Cannon downwards to electrocute them from above. The enemy will have trouble reacting to attacks from the air.

Barrier Projector and Primal Rage. Drop a Barrier Projector bubble shield then activate Primal Rage. The bubble shield will protect your team while you harass enemies as a raging beast. Swat away foes that get too close to the shield. Once Primal Rage ends, the bubble shield may still be active to continue sheltering allies.

Primal Rage and Jump Pack. Primal Rage enhances your Jump Pack, allowing super-powered leaps to pounce on faraway foes or escape hazardous situations. The primal beast mode also gives you extra health and melee power to survive and brawl after landing.

Utilizing Winston’s abilities in complementary ways will make you an unstoppable force on the battlefield, whether defending your team with shields and keeping foes at bay or ambushing enemies from above and tearing through their ranks as an uncontrollable beast. Master these combos and you’ll conquer any challenge.

Tips for Playing as Winston

As Winston, your role is to disrupt the enemy team and create opportunities for your allies. Here are some tips to master the scientist simian:

  • To maximize your effectiveness, engage the enemy team from unexpected angles. Flank routes and high ground are ideal for ambushing isolated enemies. Descend upon vulnerable targets like snipers or healers, then escape before the rest of the team responds.
  • Your Jump Pack allows you to quickly close distance and chase down weak foes. However, be careful not to overextend into dangerous situations. Only pursue eliminations you can secure, then leap back to your team.
  • Deploy your Barrier Projector to shield your allies in open areas. Place the barrier between your team and the enemy to block incoming damage, allowing your teammates to advance or retreat safely. The barrier can also be used to contain enemy ultimates like D.Va’s Self-Destruct.
  • When Primal Rage is ready, look for opportunities to disrupt the enemy’s formation. Leap into the fray and knock enemies out of position, then focus your attacks on isolated targets. Your increased health and melee power allow you to duel most heroes, but be wary of stuns, hacks and knockbacks which counter your ultimate.

Winston requires patience and practice to master. Make the most of his mobility and shielding abilities to ambush enemies, protect allies, and control the flow of battle. With the proper techniques and timing, you’ll be leaping into victory in no time!

Winston Synergies

Winston synergizes well with several heroes that can take advantage of his abilities.

  • D.Va’s Defense Matrix can absorb enemy fire that threatens Winston’s Barrier Projector, allowing him to stay in the fight longer. Her Boosters also allow her to quickly join Winston for dives and pile on damage. Winston’s Tesla Cannon pairs nicely with D.Va’s Fusion Cannons to quickly overwhelm opponents.
  • Genji’s cybernetic agility makes him an ideal dive partner for Winston. Genji can swiftly follow up on Winston’s dives and finish off low health enemies trying to escape the fray. Deflect also protects both heroes from counterattack as they dive in.
  • Like Genji, Tracer’s extreme mobility allows her to quickly support Winston on dives. Her Pulse Pistols deal high burst damage to finish off Winston’s targets, and Recall gets her out of trouble. Tracer can also bait enemies into Winston’s waiting Tesla Cannon. Their dive potential together is unmatched.
  • Zenyatta‘s Orb of Harmony provides Winston much-needed healing as he dives into the enemy backline. Transcendence can also save Winston in a pinch and allow for very aggressive dives and pushes. Winston’s Barrier Projector gives Zenyatta space to charge his ultimate and deal damage from afar.

Winston is most effective when paired with highly mobile heroes that can swiftly follow up on his engages and make the most of the space he creates. Strong healing and damage support from his teammates allow Winston to play aggressively and control the flow of battle. With good synergy, Winston and his allies become an unstoppable dive force.

Winston’s Counter Strategies

To counter enemy Winston players, focus on the following strategies:

Maintain distance. Keep your distance from an enemy Winston whenever possible. Winston’s Tesla Cannon has a short range, so staying out of its effective area will force Winston to leap in order to damage you, leaving him vulnerable. Heroes like Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Ana are ideal for keeping their distance and damaging Winston from afar.

Burst damage. Focus fire on Winston with high burst damage to quickly eliminate his large health pool before he retreats or receives healing. Heroes such as Reaper, Bastion, and Junkrat are particularly effective, as they can deal substantial damage to Winston in a short amount of time. Bringing Winston’s health down quickly will force him to use Primal Rage or leap away to find health packs and healing.

Crowd control. Use stuns, knockbacks, and other crowd control abilities to limit Winston’s mobility and damage. Heroes with those abilities, such as McCree, Brigitte, and Lucio, can stun or knockback Winston when he leaps in to attack, allowing your team to focus fire and eliminate him. Without abilities to escape, Winston is easy prey.

Protect your backline. Protect your supports and other squishy heroes from Winston. His leap allows him to dive into the backline, so staying close to vulnerable allies will allow you to deter Winston from attacking or eliminate him quickly if he does. Heroes like D.Va, Zarya, and Roadhog are ideal for protecting the backline from Winston.

How to Get Better at Playing as Winston

To master Winston in Overwatch 2, focus on maximizing his abilities and developing effective strategies.

  • Winston’s shield generator creates temporary barriers to protect himself and teammates. Place barriers strategically to block enemy fire or create safe spaces. The barrier’s health regenerates when inactive, so drop it preemptively if anticipating heavy damage.
  • Winston’s jetpack allows short range leaps, enabling quick repositioning and chasing down enemies. Use Jump Pack to escape dangerous situations, chase low-health opponents, or reach high ground for a tactical advantage. Time jumps to land on separated enemies, then deploy a barrier to isolate your target.
  • Winston’s Tesla Cannon hits multiple enemies with an electric arc, ideal for disrupting grouped up opponents. The weapon’s autolocking nature makes it easy to aim, so focus on maintaining maximum damage by keeping the beam continually connected to enemies. The cannon’s alternate fire mode shoots a long range burst, useful for harassing distant targets or finishing off weak enemies.

To improve as Winston, practice these techniques:

  • Choose optimal times to dive in, balancing aggression and caution. Winston excels at disrupting uncoordinated teams, so attack when enemies are separated or distracted.
  • Manage your barrier cooldown and health wisely. Drop barriers to prevent heavy damage, then withdraw when your health or barrier regenerate.
  • Focus on isolating and eliminating vulnerable enemies like snipers or healers. Winston’s mobility and shielding allow him to harass these heroes with minimal risk.
  • Work with your team by communicating dive targets and shield locations. Winston benefits greatly from coordinated attacks and support from allies.
  • Practice advanced Jump Pack maneuvers to maximize mobility. Short hops, wall jumps, and mid-air turns can give Winston a strong advantage.

With practice, you’ll be leaping and zapping your way to victory as the formidable scientist Winston. Stay determined and never stop improving!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing as Winston

As Winston, it’s easy to make mistakes that can hinder your effectiveness. Avoid these common pitfalls to master the scientist gorilla.

Overextending. Winston excels at disrupting enemy positions and isolating vulnerable targets. However, his low mobility and large hitbox make him an easy target if he pushes in too far without support. Only leap into situations you can escape from.

Poor Barrier Use. Winston’s barrier projector is essential for shielding teammates and controlling space. Dropping it haphazardly or leaving it in an ineffective position is wasteful. Place barriers to block enemy sightlines, separate their team, or protect your own. Retrieve it once it’s served its purpose.

Mismanaging Cooldowns. Winston’s abilities have lengthy cooldowns, so using them inefficiently severely impacts his performance. Only leap when needed to engage or disengage, not just for mobility. Save barrier projector for optimal usage instead of dropping it reflexively. Poor cooldown management leaves Winston vulnerable with no escape or protection.

Lack of Focus. As a disruptor, Winston excels at creating chaos in enemy ranks. However, without focus he achieves little. Target key opponents like snipers, healers and other squishies. Eliminate them before moving onto new targets. Don’t just zap whoever is closest with no purpose or priority.

Feeding Ultimate Charge. Winston’s tesla cannon deals low damage, feeding lots of ultimate charge to enemies. Make the most of your damage by focusing targets and staying on them until eliminated. Avoid just holding down primary fire on whoever is in range. This careless approach helps the other team, not your own.

By avoiding these common mistakes and weaknesses, you can unleash Winston’s full potential as the gentle giant of Overwatch. Master his abilities and play to his strengths for maximum impact.


As you’ve learned, Winston is a versatile tank hero with strong mobility and disruption abilities in Overwatch 2. His jump pack allows you to dive into the enemy backline and disrupt their positioning. Barrier Projector provides temporary shields for you and your team to advance or retreat. Tesla Cannon zaps multiple enemies at once, building up your Ultimate meter quickly. Primal Rage transforms you into a raging beast, knocking enemies away from objectives and keeping your team safe.

Mastering Winston requires balancing aggression and defense. Know when to dive in and harass the enemy, and when to fall back to protect your healers and damage dealers. Work with your team to coordinate dives and retreats. Practice managing your cooldowns and shield placement to get the most out of your abilities. With practice, you’ll be leaping, zapping, and raging your way to victory. The power of science will overcome any obstacle! Now get out there and unleash your inner beast. The world could always use more heroes, and Winston’s abilities make him a formidable one.

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Tags: Overwatch 2

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